sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

Southern Death Cult

Na eventualidade de, no futuro, abordar The Cult, tenho que vos falar de Southern Death Cult, isto porque foi a partir desta banda que nasceram os The Cult.

Fundados em Outubro de 1981, em Bradford, Inglaterra, quando Ian Astbury chegou a essa localidade e soube de uma banda que estava a ensaiar perto de si. Ainda no mesmo mês, deram o primeiro concerto no Queen's Hall, em Bradford.

Deram bastantes concertos pela Inglaterra para promover o triple A-side single "Moya/Fatman/The Girl". Foram em digressão com Theatre Of Hate e acabaram por conseguir ser banda-suporte dos conhecidos Bauhaus no final de 1982, mas Ian Astbury acabou por dissolver a banda após um concerto em Fevereiro de 1983.

Em Abril de 83, Ian encontrou-se com Billy Duffy (The Nosebleeds e Theatre Of Hate) para formar uma nova banda, de nome Death Cult. Após o lançamento de um EP, apareceram os The Cult, mas isso é outra história.

Os demos, singles e algumas gravações ao vivo foram juntas pela editora Beggars Banquet e foi lançada a compilação "The Southern Death Cult" (1983). Esta compilação já teve várias re-edições ao longo dos anos.


In the event that, in future, I talk about The Cult, I have to talk about Southern Death Cult, because The Cult has roots in this band.

Founded in October 1981, in Bradford, England, when Ian Astbury came to this town and knew of a band that was rehearsing near him. Later the same month, they played their first show at the Queen's Hall, in Bradford.

They played a lot of shows in England to promote the triple A-side single "Moya/Fatman/The Girl". They were on tour with Theatre Of Hate and then succeeded in getting a slot opening for the well-known band Bauhaus at the end of 1982, but Ian Astbury dissolved the band after a concert in February 1983.

On April '83, Ian met Billy Duffy (The Nosebleeds and Theatre Of Hate) to form a new band under the name Death Cult. After releasing an EP, was founded The Cult, but that's another story.

The demos, singles and some live recordings were collected by Beggars Banquet label and then it was released the compilation album "The Southern Death Cult" (1983). This compilation has had several re-issues over the years.





The Southern Death Cult 7" single - 1982
The Southern Death Cult 12" single - 1983
The Southern Death Cult (Compilation Album) - 1983


"The Southern Death Cult" download

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